1. Create user say test.
[root@node ~]# useradd test
[root@node ~]# passwd test
Changing password for user test.
New password:
BAD PASSWORD: it is too short
BAD PASSWORD: is too simple
Retype new password:
passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.
2. Create a directory say ‘commands’ under user’s home directory.
[test@node ~]$ pwd
[test@node ~]$ mkdir /home/test/commands
3. Modify .bash_profile under user’s home directory.
By default, the environmental variable “PATH” defines the list of directories that contains binary executables which will be called when the user issues a command.
Here we are going to change the PATH variable to user’s home directory/commands folder as follows.
# .bash_profile
# Get the aliases and functions
if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
. ~/.bashrc
# User specific environment and startup programs
export PATH
4. Now login with test user and try to hit some commands.
[test@node ~]$ ls
-bash: ls: command not found
[test@node ~]$ date
-bash: date: command not found
[test@node ~]$ mv
-bash: mv: command not found
[test@node ~]$ mkdir xyz
-bash: mkdir: command not found
[test@node ~]$ touch ab
-bash: touch: command not found
[test@node ~]$
5. Now create the softlinks of commands which are required for user test to execute in the directory /home/test/commands
Some examples are as follows.
[root@node ~]# ln -s /bin/date /home/test/commands/
[root@node ~]# ln -s /bin/mkdir /home/test/commands/
[root@node ~]# ln -s /bin/touch /home/test/commands/
[root@node ~]# ln -s /bin/ls /home/test/commands/
6. Now re-login as a test user and try above commands.
[root@node ~]# su - test
[test@node ~]$
[test@node ~]$ mkdir abc
[test@node ~]$ date
Sat Jun 10 13:14:27 IST 2017
[test@node ~]$ ls
abc commands
[test@node ~]$ ls -lrth
total 8.0K
drwxrwxr-x. 2 test test 4.0K Jun 10 13:11 commands
drwxrwxr-x. 2 test test 4.0K Jun 10 13:14 abc
[test@node ~]$
good one